Saturday, April 17, 2010

psycho bitch

i have an urge to blog right now.
still though i dont know what to blog, how hilarious.
oh yea the point is im terrified.
been thinking not to continue architecture after my diploma,
things that happened recently made me even more steadfast to my decision.
guess that i just not that passionate about architecture after all
well i gotta admit that life's a psycho bitch!

Friday, April 2, 2010

not good at all

today is not good at all.
ahhh i missed my stupid history online quiz
and there gone my another 5marks
sum up with the previous quiz i'd lost 10 marks.
10 marks!
thats a lot weh, im so wanna cry now.
worse comes to worst,
i wasnt able to take the quiz for xixu either, how pathetic.
okay thats it.
i shall go eat something now.