hmm, today is someone big's day.
wow, she turns 18!
yet the fact is she's getting older and i guess now she is old enough to know better.
so stop be sensitive kay?
and i am pretty kind to her, i let her love me for today, just for today.
oh yeah, happy birthday to her!
oh yeah, happy birthday to her!
fuyoh... thx thx... sumore greet me in ur blog.. so gam dong la... unlike sumone... no sms no msn no blog no greet lor.. stupid ed... dun wanna fren u d la... bleh bleh..but i noe u dun care one la.. so actualli oso din expect wishes from u.. hehe...xp
ehhh...i din open blog till 2day kay !!!
n my fon bill din pay so din sms la..
wish nee marr..wish in heart can d wan..xD
how to wish in heart la...i oso wanna learn...hehe
eddy,she fed up d larh
she tak boleh get it also though u already wished in heart,haha~
shorty,u wanna learn and wish your zai?!!
xu,another remind to u,jgn cinta saya arh but u can suka saya,keke
yes ! i got new name for jee..
since im an idiot..nw u shorty la..SHORTY SHORTY !!
neeways..my bday time fren aso lupa wish la..kena till every year aso same d..alredi no feeling abt it..bday aso 1 day no bday aso 1 day..jz a same day..T.T
dis 1 is my specialty la..whr can simply teach ppl wan..
ed jangan kedekut ilmu la....must share share ma...sharing is caringwat...haha
yong i wanna wish my zai la...so kesian la me...
ed u wana ca,, me shorty i dun care lo...i m mo happy la then coz rite u actually named my zai shorty ma...so now u cal me shorty no problem leh...i will teringat him al d time....so tq la coz u make me not to forget him....hahaha!!!!!
cheh.. excuses.. wish in heart for wat.. i got no telepati with u la.. cant hear wat u greet one k.. anyways... this year birthday kinda hapi lor... cz can kap zai since 3rd of oct until today(5th of oct).. jee.. i should take u along la.. many zai better than ur shorty there..^^
no thanks xx...i m loyal to shorty...hehe..x pengaruh saya k...u alredy got two rite...go kap sum mo
yalo,xixu you should learn from jee la,stay loyal..
dont like 'kaki lelaki',haha~
1st of all..he's nt short..
2nd dun perasan diri too much..nt gud for health..xD
3rd i duno wad to write d..
cz i suddenly noe got draft to pass up n i got no info to write on it..WDH PEOPLE !!?? T_T
try to get some info from internet and crap first la,eddy..
who ask u begitu syok for the last 2 weeks,jee said no wonder you so free la
yalar !! BABI LARR !! no1 told me abt it aso kayy..
everyday kaypo here n dere..din even bother tell me abt college gt hmwk ! T_T !!!
but luckilly !! I SUDAH HABIS !! WAHHAHA !!
yaya,so smart la you!
somemore,ngam ngam 1000 words..
but then i better than u,haha~
i got 1500 words,more perasan..
hahaha !! i dwn write extra ma..
u noe la..ltr voon read d too happy cz my draft can become the final hand up d..xD
u r the one who shud ask rite....neva contact any1 oso how u wanna noe wats goin on....
u r the 1 who said he is short
n i m not perasaan k....tme to balas dendam d...MIND UR OWN BUSINESS
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